날씨 어플 추천 Weather app recommendation

Best 5 weather apps
Among the apps we use in our daily life, there are fine dust and weather apps. Since fine dust and weather are information that is frequently checked every day, you can easily check and utilize it by installing a dedicated application. In this post, I will introduce 5 useful apps that provide weather information for free.

날씨 어플 추천

Ceck out the 5 free weather apps below with features that allow you to check the weather accurately and easily.

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Weather app recommendation 좋은뉴스

1. This is the weather forecast of Bacha Soft. It has a rating of 4.8 stars with 1.13 million reviews. It has high accuracy.

When you open the application, the following screen appears.

It shows the weather for each day of the week and the lowest and highest temperatures.

Please note that it is written in English.

2. The Weather Channel’s forecast. It has a rating of 4.6 based on 2.29 million reviews. As there are far more users than the first app, the rating is relatively good.

It shows information such as temperature, sensible temperature, wind, and humidity by time zone. Information is provided in Korean.

3. Yahoo Weather app. It has a rating of 4.5 stars from 1.41 million reviews.

It intuitively shows the temperature and weather by time of day and day of the week. It is written in Korean.

4. Transparent clock and weather application. This application received a score of 4.6 out of 920,000 reviews.

It shows the temperature, humidity, etc. for each hour of the week. It is written in English.

5. Accurate weather app. It has a rating of 4.7 stars with 280,000 reviews.

It is written in Korean. It is made of a fairy tale-like image unlike the image among the five applications.

Day of the week, date and temperature. Wind speed, humidity, etc. are provided.

Overall, users have good reviews of these apps, so you can pick and choose the app that suits you.

Please make good use of it.