주휴수당 work part-time or part-time, or those who hire part-time workers

Let’s take a look at the standard and calculation method for holiday pay. 주휴수당 Those who work part-time or part-time, or those who hire part-time workers, may have heard of vacation pay, but it is a new word to the general public. Check it out below.

What is vacation pay?

Weekly holiday pay is applicable to all workers including part-timers at convenience stores and daily workers with one or more employees. For figures and articles on the weekly holiday allowance payment standards, refer to the policy briefing www.korea.kr.

Weekly Holiday Allowance Payment Criteria and Weekly Holiday Time Calculation Method Table of Contents

1. What is Weekly Holiday Allowance?

2. Standards on Weekly Holiday Allowance

3. Calculation of Weekly Holiday Allowance
4. Weekly Holiday Allowance Q&A

1. What is Weekly Holiday Allowance? 주휴수당

Employers must give workers an average of at least one paid holiday per week. This pay is referred to as holiday pay. For salaried workers, vacation pay is often included in their pay.

However, if you usually hire hourly wage workers or part-timers, you must pay weekly vacation pay. Since this is usually calculated as the minimum hourly wage, it is closely related to the minimum hourly wage.

If you convert your monthly salary to an hourly wage, you must include both weekly vacation time and weekly vacation pay. Please refer to the picture below.

Standards for Weekly Holiday Allowance / Photo Source: Ministry of Employment and Labor

2. Standards on Weekly Holiday Allowance 쉬운남자

Just as there is usually a one-day difference between working for one month, there is also a set standard for the payment of weekly holiday pay. If you go to work on Mondays/Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays/Fridays without absenteeism for a week according to the contract, you will receive one day’s holiday pay.

Three criteria for the payment of weekly holiday allowance

Working more than 15 hours per week (excluding breaks)
Must work on the working days specified in the employment contract
Must be scheduled for work next week

If you have worked for a month while complying with the above three weekly holiday allowance payment standards, you will receive at least 4 weekly holiday allowances per month. This also applies to workplaces with one employee.

Workers are required to work the number of working days according to the contract. You must work at least 15 hours per week. Time excluding break time.

Hourly Wage Calculation Method for Workers / Photo Source: Ministry of Employment and Labor

Even if you work 15 hours per week, you will not be entitled to a weekly holiday pay if you are absent from work even once in the employment contract. Even if you work every day, if the total working hours in a week does not exceed 15 hours, there is no weekly holiday pay.

If the contract is to work 2 hours 30 minutes a day, 14 hours 30 minutes over 5 days is not subject to weekend pay. Even if you quit after working for only one week, you do not qualify for the weekly holiday allowance payment standard.

In addition, most of the annual or salaried workers have weekly vacation pay already included in their salaries.

Minimum Wage Committee Salary Calculation Formula / Photo Source: Ministry of Employment and Labor

3. Calculation of Weekly Holiday Allowance

Weekly vacation pay must be paid to workers who have met the standard for weekly vacation time payment.

1. Workers over 40 hours a week = hourly wage * 8 hours

2. Workers less than 40 hours per week = hourly wage * 8 hours * (working hours per week / 40)

As an example of #1, the calculation method for weekly vacation pay for workers who work 5 days a week and more than 40 hours a week with the minimum wage is as follows.

According to formula 1, 9,160 won * 8 hours = 73,280 won.

Part-timer’s Weekly Holiday Allowance Calculator

Weekly Holiday Allowance Calculator – Part-timer Heaven

· What is vacation pay? Allowance paid when a specified number of working days are worked over 15 hours per week Subject to weekly holiday allowance All workers who have worked 15 hours or more in a week Calculation of weekly holiday allowance (based on 1 week) (total work days per week)


You can use the weekly holiday pay calculator by going to the link above. If you enter an hourly wage of 9,160 won for 40 hours a week according to condition 1, you can see that the weekly holiday allowance is 73,280 won in the same way.

Calculation result of weekly holiday pay when working 40 hours a week

As an example of number 2, the calculation of weekly holiday pay for those who work 30 hours a week and receive the minimum wage is as follows.

By formula #2: 9,160 won * 8 hours * (35/40) = 64,120 won.

That is, if an employee of 40 hours a week or more works a month without absenteeism, at least 4 weekly vacation pay is accrued.

If there is a workplace that does not pay this, imprisonment for up to three years or a fine of KRW 3 million is imposed. Therefore, the employer must unconditionally pay the worker a weekly holiday allowance.