도시가스 요금계산 City gas rate calculation

The most worrying thing in everyday life is the cost of city gas. It is especially necessary for showering in cold weather and summer. Today, I will tell you how to easily and conveniently calculate your city gas bill.

도시가스 요금계산


First of all, city gas is calculated differently by region. It’s because the gas company is different because it’s not integrated, but it’s a regional jurisdiction. First of all, we will look at the city gas rate calculation formula and learn how to look up city gas rates by region. 도시가스 요금계산



City gas rate calculation thumbnail 좋은뉴스




1. Calculation of city gas rates – calculation formula

First, let’s take a look at the city gas rate calculation formula. It looks a little complicated, but it’s simple if you look at it one by one.



City gas rate calculation formula



First of all, if you look at the residential use, it can be divided into cooking and heating. Also, please refer to other uses because the formula is different.


However, the formula is applicable to Gyeonggi-do and Incheon, not all regions.


Therefore, city gas rates in other regions should be checked by accessing the homepage of the local gas company.




2. Calculation of city gas rates – city gas rates by region

Then, let’s find out how to look up city gas rates by region. Search City Gas Association in the search bar and access the homepage.



City Gas Rate Calculation Search



Then you will see the Korea City Gas Association, so please click here.



City gas rate calculation City gas company



If you access the homepage, you can see the main screen. The place we need to enter is the city gas company status section in the city gas company section. Let’s click to connect.



City gas rate calculation map



Then, a map of Korea appears. You can select the region to which you belong and check the name of the city gas company here.




City Gas Rate Calculation Seoul City Gas



When you find the company name, click on it. Then, you will see the website address along with the company introduction. You can log in here to calculate and inquire city gas rates.






3. Calculate your city gas bill – how to easily look up your bill

If you access the homepage, you can now easily search for city gas rates. Not only Seoul City Gas, but also other sites have similar access routes, so you can refer to them.


In the bill inquiry and payment section at the top of the homepage, click Bill inquiry.



Calculation of city gas bill Inquiry and payment



The charge inquiry section is a place where you can calculate your usage charge and charge. You can check the city gas rate you have used through the usage rate window.



City Gas Rate Calculation Simplified Rate



There is a simple rate inquiry right below, and you can search by entering the unique usage contract number assigned to the user.



City gas rate calculation Gas rate details



At the bottom, you can search detailed city gas rates by supply value, VAT, late fees, payment amount, etc.



If so, let’s go ahead and calculate the bill.


Go to the top of the page and click Calculate Fees.



City Gas Rate Calculation Usage Rate



Then, you can also search by entering your own contract number.



City gas rate calculation user contract number



You can look at items in more detail than previously viewed rates.



City gas fee calculation items



I’ve needed a license number several times since before. What the hell is this? This is also called your payer number and can be found on your monthly bill.



Calculate your city gas bill



If you look at the top left of the notice, it is written. Through this number, you can inquire and calculate city gas rates. If you do not know the number, you can call the city gas customer center and ask.



In today’s post, we learned how to calculate and view city gas rates. Since the method of calculating city gas differs from region to region, you must access the city gas website for your region.


After that, if you access the homepage after identifying the clear name of the city gas company, you can calculate the city gas fee and calculation through the user contract number.


I will finish the post on city gas rate calculation and see you later with more useful information.