만 나이 계산기 million age calculator

Age refers to the number of years a person, animal, or plant has lived in the world. Different countries have different ways of counting age. Today, let’s talk about Korean age. Manna and calculate this.

How to calculate only your age, million age calculator
how to calculate ten thousand age, ten thousand age calculator
1. Type of age
Age includes ‘ten’s age’ and ‘counting age’. In everyday life, ‘counting age’ is used, and in law, ‘ten thousand years’ is used. When only age is indicated in the law, it means ‘ten’s age’ regardless of whether ‘ten’ is indicated or not.

In general, when we ask for age, we say ‘age to count’, but in laws such as the age at which you can vote and the age at which you can take the civil service exam, ‘age’ is used. In the future, the social age calculation method will be unified as ‘ten thousand years’.

2. The difference between ‘10,000 age’ and ‘counting age’
There is a difference between ‘only age’ and ‘counting age’. Let’s compare.

The difference between ‘10,000 age’ and ‘counting age’
go. ‘man age’

만 나이 계산기

① Based on the date of birth, the number increases by one year. Even if you were born in the same year, you only get one year older after your birthday.

② One year after birth, one turns one year, and before that, several months after birth. 1 month old, 3 months old, etc. 만 나이 계산기

③ used in law 좋은뉴스

me. ‘Counting Age’

① You turn 1 year old at the time of birth.

② As of January 1 of each year, the child increases by one year. Regardless of the date of birth, everyone gets the same one year older.

③ Use in daily life

3. Calculating ‘ten’s age’ and ‘counting age’
Then, how do we calculate ‘ten thousand years’ and ‘counting age’?

The method of calculating ‘10,000 age’ is to subtract the year of birth from the current year and use it if the birthday has passed. If the birthday has not yet passed, subtract 1 year. The ‘counting age’ is calculated by subtracting the year of birth from the current year and adding one year. Depending on your birthday, there is a difference of 2 years between ‘ten’s age’ and ‘counting age’.

Calculating ‘ten years’ and ‘counting age’

Still confused? For example, let’s do a calculation.

go. If the date of birth (birthday) is January 5, 1999 and the current date is May 19, 2022

① Calculation of ‘10,000 age’

Subtract the year of birth from the current year. (2022 – 1999 = 23)

If your birthday has passed, use it as is, if your birthday has not passed, subtract 1 year (use as it is because January 5th has passed)

So, ‘ten’s age’ is 23 years old.

② ‘Calculation of counting age’

Subtract the year of birth from the current year. (2022 – 1999 = 23)

add 1 year (23 + 1 = 24)

So, the ‘counting age’ is 24 years old.

Let’s take one more example.

only age calculation

me. If the date of birth (birthday) is December 1, 2000 and the current date is May 19, 2022

① Calculation of ‘10,000 age’

Subtract the year of birth from the current year. (2022 – 2000 = 22)

If the birthday has passed, use it as it is, if the birthday has not passed, subtract 1 year (Dec. 1 is the birthday, so subtract 1 year, 22 – 1 = 21)

So, ‘ten years old’ is 21 years old.

② ‘Calculation of counting age’

Subtract the year of birth from the current year. (2022 – 2000 = 22)

add 1 year (22 + 1 = 23)

Therefore, the ‘counting age’ is 23 years old.

If this is complicated, it is easy if you use the ‘age calculator’ on Naver, etc. Just enter your date of birth and base date, and it will be calculated immediately. Go to ‘Naver Mann Age Calculator’

▼ Go to download the age calculator made in Excel

million age calculator
4. Restrictions based on ‘man age’
There are various restrictions depending on the ‘manager age’. Check the ‘manager age’ where you can apply for a driver’s license, elections, etc.

Those over the age of 18 can obtain a driver’s license.

Those over the age of 18 can work part-time or work.

Those over the age of 18 are not allowed to watch the movie. However, high school students who are currently enrolled are excluded.

Those over the age of 18 can enlist in the military.

Those over the age of 18 can apply for the 9th grade civil service exam.

Those between the ages of 18 and 30 can apply for a working holiday.

Anyone over the age of 18 can vote.

Today, we learned how to calculate the ‘10,000 age’.