주유소 가격비교 gas station price comparison

If you know the price of oil in advance when refueling, you can choose a cheaper place to refuel.

Until now, the price was not known until visiting a gas station, and it was difficult to compare prices while visiting, so it could be seen that the buyer had no choice.

If there is an app that allows you to search oil price information in advance with your smartphone, you will be able to spend reasonably enough with your hands without having to sell your products.

You can compare gas station prices at a glance by using Korea National Oil Corporation’s Opinet, an application that finds cheap gas stations, a shortcut to saving gas prices.

If you use Opinet at Korea National Oil Corporation, you can find nearby gas stations in order of price based on your location, and you can search for gas stations anywhere, anytime by region.

주유소 가격비교
Also, it can be useful in real life because you can search for gas stations by route, highway gas stations, and even today’s gas prices. 주유소 가격비교

In fact, if you compare gas station prices using Opinet, the price of gas varies widely, so it is recommended to search before using it. 좋은뉴스

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Install the Offinet application on your smartphone.

Gas station price comparison! An app to find cheap gas stations, a shortcut to saving gas
If you select a gas station near you, it searches for a gas station based on gps.

Gas Station Price Comparison
Gasoline or diesel is selected and gas stations near me are searched in the order of the lowest price within 3km. Compare the price of gasoline per liter to how far you are from your current location. Click to view details.

Gas Station Price Comparison 3
If you look at the detailed view, you can see the details of gas stations such as car washes, light maintenance, convenience stores, and business hours.

Gas Station Price Comparison 4
You can search anywhere in the country with just a smartphone. You can also search for relatively inexpensive highway gas stations. Let’s search the Gyeongbu Expressway.

Gas Station Price Comparison 5
Gas station price comparison! An app to find cheap gas stations, a shortcut to saving gas
You can see all the gas stations on the Gyeongbu Expressway in order of price. You can also check the location in detail on the map.

I hope that it will help you to compare gas station prices and save gas prices by using the Korea National Oil Corporation Opnet, a gas station finding application.