카카오택시 고객센터 및 전화번호 Kakao Taxi customer center and phone number

Problems may arise when using Kakao Taxi. There are times when you leave something in a taxi or your cell phone. We will inform you of the Kakao Taxi customer service phone number that you can use in such cases.

카카오택시 고객센터

카카오택시 고객센터

If you are curious about the overall content, you can first look at how to use Kakao Taxi.


How to use Kakao Taxi



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How to use Kakao Taxi customer center phone number
If you have left something behind or your cell phone, you may need to contact the Kakao Taxi driver.


In that case, there is a way to explain the situation to a counselor through the Kakao Taxi customer service phone number and then get the driver’s phone number and contact them.


Kakao Taxi’s customer center phone number is 1599-9400.


Check taxi fare


How to leave an inquiry to Kakao Taxi customer service center
In urgent cases, it is of course better to call customer service to inquire, but in other cases, you can leave an inquiry and wait for a response.


1. Access Kakao Taxi app

2. My information at the bottom right

3. Service inquiry

4. KakaoTalk chatbot connected

5. Start consultation after connecting to chatbot or counselor staff


However, please note that agent connection is available from 08:00 AM to 01:00 AM, Monday through Saturday.


Book a Kakao Taxi


Kakao T Emergency Report Center
Kakao Taxi Customer Center is open 24 hours a day to provide emergency reporting services.


Just like chatting with a counselor using the app, prepare taxi ride information and usage records and then contact Kakao Taxi Customer Center (Kakao T Emergency Report Center) to receive quick service guidance.


The Kakao Taxi customer service phone number is 1599-9400 as mentioned above. If an emergency arises, you can quickly resolve the issue by calling the number.