카카오톡 차단 확인 Check Kakao Talk Blocking

Many things can happen when you use KakaoTalk with various people. KakaoTalk blocking is a well-known way to cut off chatting with the other person between close friendships and bad things or not. However, you may be in a situation where you do not receive a notification and send a message without knowing that the other person has blocked you. In case this happens, there are several methods on how to check KakaoTalk blocking.

Before using the blocking check method, you must download the latest version of KakaoTalk PC version and connect to the PC version so that no records are left.

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카카오톡 차단 확인

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1. Confirmation of blocking with KakaoTalk remittance 카카오톡 차단 확인

1-1. check the send button 좋은뉴스
The condition is that you must first be added as a friend. The left is the default friend image. There is a send button on the top right.

On the right is the state after being blocked. If you make your profile/message private after being blocked, the send button will disappear. (General block has a button to send money.)

2. How to check KakaoTalk blocking by unblocking friends

2-1. Unblock after blocking
1. First, add friends and then block them.

2. Enter your blocked friends list and unblock them.

3. After unblocking, click the Cancel button.

2-1. See friend recommendations
Once you’ve unblocked, click Refresh Friends List to see your suggested friends. If you do not add friends after unblocking and you are on the recommended friends list, it means that the other person has not blocked you yet and is registering you.