한컴 타자연습 구버전 Hancom typing practice old version

Download the old version of Hancom Typing Practice (2007, 2014 installation file)
If you want to increase your computer typing speed, you need to practice enough. When you first type, you use one or two fingers to find letters using the so-called eagle stroke method, but to gain speed, you need to use all 10 fingers to learn where each letter is and which finger to press the fastest.

Of course, the speed is slow at first and there are a lot of typos, but if you use it consistently and repeatedly every day, your fingers will remember it without having to memorize the keyboard. Download and install the old version of Hancom Typing Practice below and practice regularly.

한컴 타자연습 구버전
Hancom typing practice
There are three versions of the Hancom typing practice introduced here. The Hancom Typing Practice 2007 and Hancom Typing Practice 2014 versions are the methods to install and use the file on your computer, and the other method is to use the Hancom Typing Practice site without downloading the file.

1) Hancom typing practice 2007
There is also a version of Hancom typing practice before 2007, but it is too old and there is now a 2014 version or Hancom site, so there is no need for an older version. Download the Hancom Typing Practice 2007 file below. 한컴 타자연습 구버전

Hancom typing practice 2007.exe 좋은뉴스
4.18 MB
The installation file is located in your computer’s Downloads folder, or the file download is displayed at the bottom of the browser as follows.

Hancom Typing Practice 2007 Download File
Hancom Typing Practice 2007 Download File
Double-click the downloaded exe file to install it on your computer. The file size is not large, so it can be installed quickly and easily.

Hancom Typing Practice 2007 Installation Guide
This is what it looks like after installation is complete. In the old version of Hancom Typing Practice 2007, the more you practice typing, the more you feel like you are studying on a wooden background and a blackboard.

Hancom Typing Practice 2007 Main Screen
Hancom typing practice 2007 long text practice screen
2) Hancom typing practice 2014
The installation method of the old version of Hancom Typing Practice 2014 is almost the same as that of the 2007 version, and the background design has been changed and online services have been added. Please download the old version 2014 installation file of Hancom Typing Practice below.

Download Hancom Typing Practice 2014

When the download is complete, click the exe file and follow the instructions to complete the installation.

Hancom Typing Practice 2014 Download File
Hancom Typing Practice 2014 Download File
After the installation is complete, this is the screen of running the old version of Hancom Typing Practice. The biggest difference compared to the previous version of Hancom Typing Practice 2007 is the login function. You can practice typing or play single typing games without logging in separately, but if you log in, you can use typing practice records and online services, so if you want to record your typing skills, please use it.

Hancom Typing Practice 2014 login screen
Hancom Typing Practice is a program designed to be easy and fun for anyone who is just starting out to type, and I remember using it a lot for typing practice as a child. You can start typing practice right away by clicking the Start button on the next page.

Hancom Typing Practice 2014 Start Screen
As in 2007, the old version of Hancom Typing Practice 2014 provides typing practice menus such as digit practice, word practice, and short text/length practice. There are slight differences in the content of the text, but they are almost identical.

Hancom typing practice 2014 long text practice screen
There are also typing games such as Cake Toss and Marine Rescue SOS to practice typing more fun. It helps you to focus naturally while playing games and helps you type faster, so try it when you get bored of typing practice.

Hancom Typing Practice 2014 Cake Toss Typing Game
3) Hancom typing practice site (for web)
Hangul and PC no longer provide installation files after the 2014 version, and from the latest version, we are providing a service so that you can practice typing right from the website. Search for Hancom Typing Practice on portal sites such as Naver, Daum, or Google.

Hancom typing practice search screen on Naver
MalangMalang Hancom Typing provides a fun way to practice typing by expanding the game function to the existing typing practice. You can practice typing as a guest and play typing games without logging in. However, I think it would be better to log in because there are no game records, typing practice records, etc.

Hancom typing practice site start screen
Hancom typing practice site long text practice screen

The three Hancom typing exercises introduced are almost identical in content, so you can choose the one you like the most. Installation types such as Hancom Typing Practice 2007 and 2014 versions are good because once you install them, you can use them right away without accessing the Internet. Conversely, it is cumbersome to install programs on your computer, and if you want more diverse games, you can directly access the Korean typing practice site.

how to type fast
Usually, when you first start practicing typing, you try to press as quickly as possible with a few fingers that you use the most and are familiar with. However, rather than trying to get up to speed quickly from the start, it’s important to properly distribute the keys to each finger as you learn the keyboard position.

For example, if your index finger presses 6 keys and your ring finger only uses 2, only your index finger is busy and typing does not increase more than a certain speed. So, after evenly distributing the keys in consideration of the range of movement of your fingers, you must practice to press them with your fingers even if you are not used to them. It’s very slow at first and there are a lot of typos, but once you get used to it, it’s the fastest way to type.