신한카드 해지 How to cancel Shinhan Card with Shinhan Play app

​Shinhan Card I made last year
I used it for a while in the beginning, but haven’t used it since. 신한카드 해지
It’s going to be a year soon and I have to pay the annual fee.
Before that, I cleared the card.
It was the first time I canceled my credit card. 이베이스매뉴얼
The app is simple and easy!

신한카드 해지

First, go to the Shinhan Card app.
Click the 3 lines on the top right

After clicking on the full menu
without anything else
My -> Scroll all the way down and there is a ‘Card Revocation’ at the bottom!
Then it’s almost over now.

Then, a message will appear, such as checking the remaining points.
I don’t use my Shinhan card a lot, so I don’t have many points.
I recently received a credit card point refund?

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These days, people use credit/debit cards more than cash, but I never…

And choose the card you want to cancel!
You will be prompted once more to confirm that you want to cancel.
Click OK to cancel the request to proceed to the next step.

Please click ‘No’ because no other consultation is necessary.
If you click ‘Yes’, you will eventually be connected to a counselor…
If there are no problems with points or annual fee, click ‘No’ and proceed to the next step!

Now for the last step
to cancel
Please verify yourself
After verifying your identity, click ‘Cancellation Complete’ and you’re done.

Card cancellation complete!
so fast and easy
I was wondering if this was really done

So I went through the cancellation process again.
It says you don’t have a card
It was really canceled right away!

If you haven’t used it for more than a few months like me,
Apply for cancellation easily with the app!
In the past, it was only possible to call the customer center and go through an agent, but nowadays, it is convenient because you can simply cancel it through the Shinhan Card app.
I have a Deep Dream Platinum Shinhan Card that I haven’t used for a while, so if I leave it alone, it’s like paying an annual fee to the card company, so I wanted to get rid of it. Today we are going to learn how to cancel #ShinhanCard.

First of all, you need to have the app installed. If it is not installed, you have to proceed with installation through the Play Store or App Store.

At the top right of the main screen, next to logout, there is an icon that allows you to enter the My Page screen.

After clicking My Screen,
If you scroll down,

At the bottom, there is a tab called “Cancel Card”.
Click to enter.

When canceling, to mention a few important points, if you have any utility bills linked to the card, it may be unpaid or overdue when the payment date arrives, so it is better to change to another card or cancel the connection in advance.

If you have another Shinhan card, please note that it may be automatically inherited.

Also, if there are benefits such as Shinhan My Points accumulated by using the card, they may be forfeited.

In my case, I looked up
There were 4,345 points.

After pressing Point Conversion, cash back
It has been transferred to my account in advance.

Next, you choose the card you want to cancel. If you have multiple cards, check the cards you want to stop using and choose carefully.
However, in the case of membership cancellation like me, it is impossible to cancel Shinhan Card if there is any remaining charge.

Since you can apply after paying this amount in full, if there is an amount that needs to be paid later, you can proceed after the payment is made in advance by making an immediate payment.

And then keep clicking YES. As there are a few things to be informed about, I have a question about whether to receive guidance through the agent callback as above.

In the case of me, I know this because I worked at a credit card company in the past, but if it is your first time, it is better to receive guidance as much as possible.

And after that, you have to go through the final authentication step. You just need to verify your card information, joint certificate, or mobile phone authentication, and you are done.

It’s a bit cumbersome, but I think it’s easier than doing it over the phone.

After a few days, the amount of the annual fee for the first year I paid after issuing the card is prorated and deposited into the linked bankbook.

Please note that even if it is a debit card, it may not be possible to reissue a credit card because the issuance is restricted depending on the credit level. Above, we learned about Shinhan Card cancellation.​