사업자 등록번호 조회 Business registration number inquiry

If you’re starting a business, let’s talk about one of the things you need to do sequentially.

Business registration is indispensable. If you have registered as a business, you will receive your business registration number shortly after you apply.

will come out We need to double check this number accurately. 사업자 등록번호 조회

사업자 등록번호 조회
So you need to look up your business registration number. 좋은뉴스

The business registration number is the same as the resident registration number we have. That is why you must be aware of it.

In addition to this, it is essential to search for corporate registration number or business registration number in stock trading or e-commerce.

Basically, if you know the company name and representative name, you can search for the corporate registration number and business registration number through the Internet.


In this article, we will look at how to look up business registration numbers.

If you read this article to the end, you will be able to clearly understand the contents related to business registration number inquiry.

Knowing various information about business registration number inquiries and business registration documents is of great help to smooth business.



1. Business registration number inquiry through Home Tax


You can look up your business registration number on the Hometax website.

Let’s find out right now.

(1) Click the All menu located in the upper right corner of the homepage.



(2) Click Inquiry by Business Registration Number in Business Status.

(3) Search business registration number.

To search business registration number using Hometax, you must know the business registration number.

It could be a way to look it up.

In addition, let’s find out how to search for business registration number by business name.

2. Business registration number inquiry using the electronic disclosure system of the Financial Supervisory Service


You can search your business registration number using the electronic disclosure system operated by the Financial Supervisory Service.

You can find out various information such as the company’s corporate registration number and business registration number through the company name or trade name.


Knowing alternative sites to look up business registration numbers is very helpful.



(1) When you enter the FSS Electronic Disclosure System homepage, you will see a window where you can search immediately.

(2) Search the operator you want to search.

3. Business registration number inquiry using the Fair Trade Commission website


(1) Click Information Disclosure on the Fair Trade Commission website homepage.


(2) Check the business registration status.

Here’s how to look up business registration numbers.

There are several sites where you can look up your business registration number.


You can choose a site that is convenient and easy to use.

I hope this helps.